RENOVA Sustainable Procurement Policy


In accordance with our Corporate Philosophy, RENOVA operates a renewable energy business that aims to realize a sustainable world by establishing green, self-sustaining, and large-scale energy systems deployment. As an important part of our activities, we have established the RENOVA Sustainable Procurement Policy, which consists of “RENOVA’s Fundamental Procurement Policy” and the “Code of Conduct for Our Procurement Partners,” in order to advance efforts to reduce environmental impact throughout our supply chain towards our end goal of realizing a sustainable world.
We ask our procurement partners to review the Fundamental Procurement Policy and Code of Conduct below, and to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct.

Corporate Philosophy

Our Mission
To create green and sustainable energy systems for a better world
Our Vision
To become Asia's renewable energy leader
Our Commitments
The Earth
To contribute towards a sustainable society and planet
To create value in partnership with local communities, and respect their heritage and cultures
To generate clean and efficient energy for our customers
To generate sustained growth in shareholder value
To gather the best people, and provide exciting career and growth opportunities for our employees
  1. RENOVA's Fundamental Procurement Policy

    RENOVA's Fundamental Procurement Policy defines the basic stance that RENOVA will adopt in its procurement activities.

    • RENOVA's purpose as a company is to address key societal issues by establishing green and self-sustaining energy systems. We hope that our procurement partners will endorse our Corporate Philosophy and, through procurement activities, work together with us to promote energy transformation in Japan and Asia.

    • RENOVA will provide equal business opportunities to all of our procurement partners, regardless of nationality, company size, business experience, and other factors, and will engage in fair business practices in order to build relationships based on mutual trust.

    • RENOVA aims to realize a sustainable world through the development of green energy, and also believes that it is important to reduce the environmental impact and achieve coexistence and co-prosperity with local communities through procurement, which is an important process in attaining this goal, in order to enhance the sustainability of the earth and local communities. At the same time, we strive to achieve high quality and economic efficiency to improve the sustainability of our businesses.

  2. Code of Conduct for Our Procurement Partners

    The Code of Conduct for Our Procurement Partners (hereafter the “Code of Conduct”) clearly defines matters that should be addressed throughout the supply chain in order to fulfill RENOVA’s social responsibilities in the course of its business activities.
    RENOVA expects both our procurement partners and their suppliers to comply with the requirements described in this Code of Conduct.

    • Consideration for the local and global environment

      Working together with our procurement partners, RENOVA aims to ensure that its procurement activities throughout the supply chain are conducted in an environmentally friendly manner, both with regard to the global environment and the regions in which RENOVA and its procurement partners operate. We will also fulfill our responsibility to protect the health and living environment of residents in the communities in which we operate.
      We require our procurement partners to comply with the following:

      • Acquisition and maintenance of environment-related permits and licenses, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations

        Procurement partners must obtain all environment-related permits and licenses required for their business, maintain these permits and licenses to a high standard, and comply with all environment-related laws and regulations related to their businesses.
        In addition, they must constantly strive to develop ways to reduce their environmental footprint and promote initiatives aimed at minimizing environmental impact.
        They must also cooperate in disclosing data on their environmental efforts.

      • Management of emissions

        Procurement partners must establish processes to ensure proper management of emissions such as waste materials, exhaust, and wastewater. In situations where releasing emissions that could potentially impact human health or the environment into the atmosphere, ocean, etc. is unavoidable, they must take measures to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and environmental standards, and establish systems and mechanisms to ensure that such measures are properly implemented.

      • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

        Procurement partners are expected to implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible and to restrict emissions to a minimum. They should make continuous efforts to achieve further reductions with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality throughout the entire supply chain.

      • Reuse and recycling of resources

        Procurement partners are expected to promote efficient use of resources and implement measures to reduce waste, such as reusing and recycling materials.

    • Respect for human rights and protection of workers’ rights

      In conjunction with our procurement partners, RENOVA is committed to respecting and protecting the human rights of all individuals, including workers throughout our entire supply chain.
      We require our procurement partners to comply with the following:

      • Prohibition of forced labor

        Procurement partners must not use forced labor or trafficked labor under any circumstances. They must not require payment in order to obtain work or restrict the movement of individuals.

      • Prohibition of child labor

        Procurement partners must not tolerate child labor. They must not allow workers under the age of 18 to engage in work that may endanger their health or safety.

      • Prohibition of discrimination

        RENOVA does not tolerate harassment or unfair discrimination in any form. Procurement partners must not treat anyone differently or disadvantageously on the basis of characteristics that are not related to the unique requirements of the job in question (race, gender, religion, age, disability, origin, etc.)

      • Ensuring worker health and safety

        Procurement partners must establish measures to ensure worker health and a safe and comfortable work environment, and maintain workplaces in a safe and hygienic state.

      • Assessment of Human Rights Risks

        In assessing human rights risks in business activities, consider sector risks, geopolitical risks, and product (raw material/supply chain) risks, and conduct assessments on an ongoing basis.

      • Establish a remedy mechanism

        Implement and maintain the establishment of a remedy mechanism for harassment and all other human rights violations, including consultation services, in cooperation with internal and external parties (labor relations departments and outside attorneys)

    • Compliance with laws and social norms

      We require our procurement partners to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and social norms in the course of their business activities.

      • Prohibition of bribery, etc.

        Procurement partners must not pay or accept bribes or be involved in any other illegal activity when dealing with governments, or through intermediaries.

      • Exclusion of antisocial elements

        Procurement partners must not engage in any form of relationship with antisocial elements or groups that threaten social order or safety. They must not provide any form of benefit to antisocial elements.

      • Exclusion of inappropriate suppliers

        Procurement partners must not procure goods from companies that violate human rights in their manufacturing processes, etc., and they must not engage in procurement transactions that serve as a source of funding for militant groups.

      • Respect for intellectual property

        Procurement partners must respect all intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and take due care to avoid infringing on such rights.

    • Establishment of management and operating systems

      We expect our procurement partners to establish management and operating systems to ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct.
      RENOVA may require procurement partners to complete surveys, etc. in order to confirm the status of compliance with this Code of Conduct. Completion of such surveys upon request is compulsory.