May 6th, 2021BusinessNotice Concerning Impact of Earthquake occurred in centered off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture
Apr 23rd, 2021CompanyNotice Concerning Organizational Changes and Changes of Officers
Apr 12th, 2021IRNotice of Revenue from Electricity Sales in March 2021
Apr 1st, 2021BusinessWork Started on the Construction of the ”Omaezakikou Biomass Power Plant”
Mar 29th, 2021IRRENOVA Acquired Equity Interest in limited liability company (Changes in subsidiaries)
Mar 23rd, 2021CompanyNotice Concerning Organizational Changes and Changes of Officers
Mar 22nd, 2021IRNotice Concerning Impact of Earthquake occurred in centered off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture
Mar 9th, 2021IRNotice of Revenue from Electricity Sales in February 2021
Feb 15th, 2021IR(Revision) Notice of Correction of “Supplementary Material on Financial Results for 3Q the Fiscal Year Ending March 2021”
Feb 15th, 2021IRNotice Concerning Impact of Earthquake occurred in centered off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture