Investor Relations Investor Relations

Stock Information

Major Shareholders

(as of March 31, 2024)

Shareholder Name Ratio of Shares Held Number of Shares Held
Yosuke Kiminami 18.74 14,860,000
Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. 9.28 7,360,000
Sachio Senmoto 6.85 5,438,000
Daisuke Tsujimoto 6.30 5,000,000
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 5.65 4,484,800
Mitsuuroko Group Holdings Co., Ltd. 4.89 3,878,400
Daisaku Honda 2.70 2,143,000
Suzuyo Shoji Co.,Ltd 1.89 1,504,000
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 1.80 1,428,300

Distribution by Shareholder Type

Distribution by Shareholder Type
Shareholder Type Number of Shareholders Number of Shares Held
National and local governments 0 0
Financial institutions 12 6,281,000
Securities 43 994,492
Other companies 214 14,938,701
Foreign companies, etc. 591 12,266,085
Individuals, etc. 29,666 44,795,122
Treasury shares 0 0
Total 30,526 79,275,400

Information for Shareholders

Stock exchange The Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange
Date of listing February 23, 2017
Securities code 9519
Fiscal year From April 1 of each year to March 31 of the following year
Ordinary General Meeting
of Shareholders
Within 3 months from the end of every fiscal year
Record date for
confirmation of
March 31 of each year
Record date for
dividend of surplus
March 31 of each year
September 30 of each year
Share unit 100 shares
Method of public notice The Company posts notices in electronic format. If an accident or other contingency prevents an electronic public notice from being issued, the Company will make an announcement in the Nikkei.
Shareholder registry
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
1-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Location of the shareholder
registry administrator
Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Dept, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
1-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Contact for inquiries and
mailing address
Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Dept, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0063 Japan
Tel.: 0120-782-031 (toll free)
* Inquiries are accepted 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. except Saturdays,
Sunday and public holidays.
Administrative procedures Please check the webpage below for details.
Please contact your securities company to request forms for administrative procedures related to the Company's shares such as a change of address, seal, name, etc., a request for the purchase of shares less than one unit, and a transfer of ownership.