CEO Message to Shareholders and Investors

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your tremendous continued support.
The fiscal year ended March 2024 saw a further acceleration of the move toward decarbonized society around the world.
Under these circumstances, we are steadily expanding the scale of power generation in the Renewable Energy Power Generation Business based on FIT, including the launch of operations of large biomass power plants at Sendai-Gamo, Tokushima Tsuda, and Ishinomaki Hibarino, and a large solar power plant at Hitoyoshi in Kumamoto Prefecture.
In addition, under the Green Transformation (GX) Division, which specializes in new decarbonization businesses, we are making strides in new business domains, for instance with the conclusion of power purchase agreements (PPAs) with leading companies in Japan and the start of construction of Himeji Energy Storage.
In addition, we have signed a capital and business alliance agreement with Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. We will consider joint development of onshore wind power generation business, scaling-up of physical PPA, and collaborations in biomass power generation business and grid-scale battery storage device business, among others initiatives, together with Tokyo Gas.
Overseas, we continue to foster promising projects mainly in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, we have decided to invest in Pathway Power Holdings LLC, a renewable energy company based in California. With this, we will enter the United States, a huge market.
This fiscal year, we will continue to solidify the foundation for medium- to long-term growth while ensuring that we fulfill our responsibilities as a company working on social infrastructure, under our vision: To become Asia’s renewable energy leader.
We wholeheartedly ask for your continued support in the future.
Yosuke Kiminami
Representative Director
President & CEO, Founder