Personnel systems
RENOVA values the autonomy of employees, and is committed to providing exciting career and growth opportunities for our employees. To continue creating a positive cycle that fosters the personal growth of each employee and the growth of our organization and business, we are constantly considering better ways to support business strategies through personnel strategies and systems and constantly evolving. The three main pillars of our personnel systems for bringing employees together behind RENOVA’s mission and vision and its management policies are the role grading system, the assessment system and the compensation system.
Role grading system
The role expectations all employees must meet when executing operations or projects are defined for each grade, of which
there are 6 in total, ranging from G1 to G6. These form the basis for setting evaluation criteria, judgments on
promotion or demotion, and compensation.
The higher the grade (Entry Player → Support Player → Main Player → Operations/Project Manager → Operations/Project
Coordinator → Operations/Project Leader), the greater the expectation to demonstrate a higher level of specialist
skills, leadership and influence.
Evaluation system
We fairly evaluate enhancement of corporate value, conduct that is in keeping with the required qualities, and
achievements, as this serves as a basis for judgments on promotion and demotion and the determination of compensation.
We have introduced MBO (Management by Objectives), and set individual targets for the achievement of our organizational
targets according to the grade (role expectations) of each employee every six months based on an agreement between the
employee and their supervisor. Evaluation of performance during the evaluation period and promotions and demotions are
determined through self evaluation, evaluation interviews, evaluation meetings within and between divisions, and review
committee meetings, and evaluated employees receive feedback on their evaluation results and the reasons for them from
the primary evaluator.
Compensation system
We link compensation to role grades, evaluations and our business performance, and we fairly reward contribution to the
enhancement of corporate value and conduct in line with the required qualities.
In addition to basic salary and bonuses, there are “special rewards” for outstanding achievements or projects that have
made a special contribution on a groupwide level, and “special additional pay” for employees who have outperformed their
role or expectations.
Engagement surveys
We utilize our engagement survey results for accurately analyzing the status of our organization, and measure and evaluate engagement on a regular basis to help us improve and strengthen personnel measures.
Measures to develop managers
With the increase in size of our organization and business, the importance of developing the skills of manager-class employees is greater than ever before. We are, therefore, strengthening initiatives such as 360-degree feedback questionnaires, project manager training programs and various other types of training.