Ozu Solar

Features of the Plant

In harmony with nature
The facility design reflects consideration of the surrounding environment and disaster control. Construction of the plant followed acquisition of permission for woodland development activities under the Forest Act.
Supplying electric power meeting demand of 5,500 general households
The plant has a vast area that is about five times that of Tokyo Dome. Its capacity is 19,000 kW on a module basis, and the annual capacity is 20 million kWh of electric power, equivalent to the power consumption of 5,500 general households.
Capacity 19,000 kW (on a module basis)
Estimated annual power production(kWh) 20 million kWh per year
(equivalent to the power consumption of around 5,500 general households)
Site area Approx. 240,000m²
Operation commencement April 2016
Operator Ozu Solar G.K.
※RENOVA, Inc. invests in silent partnership.
For inquiries contact: Ozu Solar G.K.