Futtsu Solar

Features of the Plant

Supplying electric power meeting demand of 11,500 general households
The plant has a vast area that is 9.4 times that of Tokyo Dome. Its capacity is 40,360 kW, and the annual capacity is nearly 42 million kWh of electric power, equivalent to the annual power consumption of 11,500 general households.
Providing opportunities of environmental education to serve local community
The plant will work to gain the understanding of local residents in Futtsu and neighboring areas while implementing operation. The site features an observation platform, a solar panel for presentation purposes and a facility outline display board to provide environmental education opportunities for local elementary and junior high schoolchildren. These devices provide rapid insight into the plant.
Capacity 40,360kW
Estimated annual power production(kWh) 42 million kWh per year
(equivalent to the power consumption of around 11,500 general households)
Site area Approx. 440,000m²
Operation commencement July 2014
Operator Futtsu Solar Power, Inc.
For inquiries contact: Futtsu Solar Power, Inc.